Dec 2013

We Got Mobility


News flash- We got mobility. We are going to be throwing in some mobility exercise pieces here and there during regular CrossFit classes. It is part of the workout, not post-workout (aka not optional) 😉

Here is the deal. mobility, stretching….self torture, call it what you want, it isn’t fun. Nor is it glamorous or cool. It doesn’t look as badass in pictures as doing a backflip or a 300 lb snatch. But it is a super important part of the fitness equation and will get you there. It will also keep your muscles loose, movable, and stretchy, which is a super important part of the personal biology equation.



Evernote can revolutionize the way you keep track of your fitness…forever. 

Give this article a look if you think that using your iphone or android would be an awesome option for a workout log. Nothing wrong with pen and paper but for techies out there, this is a pretty awesome tech-based option.

December 30, 2013 WOD

7×3- 1 1/4 squat
rest 90 secondsd between each set
Accumulate 90 seconds L-sit hold from pullup bar
Complete 4 rounds for time
5 wall walks
15 push ups
25 air squats


banded couch stretch 1 minute on each side