May 2012


Ok I think I got to the bottom of things today concerning our class registration.  It is out of my hands as our service provider is dealing with slight technical difficulties.  SO, If you are one of the few people who is having problems reserving class times, please feel free to email me at cofitcoach@gmail.com with the class times and days you want and I will manually enter you in.   This is only temporary.

The Pro-Shop is officially open as of today.  For right now we are going to operate on a cash only basis until I get the front desk set up to take on credit card purchases.  We are still waiting on a few  more orders, so try to be patient.  Also, if there is something you would like to see readily available to you, please drop us a quick line and we’ll try our hardest to make it available.

So with the Paleo Challenge underway, members are already noticing a steady drop in body fat!  One of our best success stories so far (only 10 days in) is Michele B. with a loss of 6 pounds.  Way to go Michele and everyone else!  Stick with it, you should not just realize a loss of weight but also an increase in performance during your daily WOD’s.  Keep us up to date as you keep making these note worthy improvements!

Looking better than ever Michele!

May 15, 2012 WOD


Good Mornings 5-5-5-5-5

rest 60 seconds between each set

Dead hang Pull ups ME (max effort) 4x Failure

rest 60 seconds between each set


In 5 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of:

20 overhead walking lunge steps 45/25#

50 Double unders/150 single unders

rest 2 minutes, then:

in 5 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of:

5 dumbbell/kb thrusters/side (single hand) 35/25#

15 ring rows

Rest 2 minutes, then:

in 2 minutes, complete as many reps as you can of:

Box top-overs 20″/12″