
Every 90 seconds, for 9 minutes (3 sets:)

1-Wide-grip Pull-up x 2.2.2 reps @ 21X1 reps – rest 15 seconds between clusters

2 – Deficit Strict HSPU x 3-5 reps @ 30X1

*Note – For HSPU, if you can achieve more than 5 reps unbroken, increase the deficit.  


3 sets:

BB Push Jerk x 3.3 reps, resting 15 seconds between

Rest 2 minutes after each set


3-4 sets, not for time:

5 Single-arm KB Snatch from swing (Left)

5 Single-arm KB Push Press (Left)

50 Foot Single-arm KB Overhead Carry (Left)

10/7 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

5 Single-arm KB Snatch from swing (Right)

5 Single-arm KB Push Press (Right)

50 Foot Single-arm KB Overhead Carry (Right)

10/7 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

Rest 90 seconds

Based on energy levels and time constraints, complete 3-4 sets.