
Every 90 seconds, for 9 minutes (3 sets:)

1- Lean-away Strict Ring Pull-up* x 4-6 @ 41X1 reps @ 2 sec pause at top, 6 sec descent

2 – Strict HSPU x AMRAP @ 31X1

*Note – For pull-up, maintain the neutral hand position and lean as far back as possible! If you cannot do a pull-up, jump to the top of the rep and just perform negatives. For HSPU, pause for one second at the bottom and top of each rep. If you can do more than 7 strict HSPU, add a 3-5” deficit.


3 sets:

BB Push Press x 3 reps @ 21X2

Rest 2 minutes


3-4 rounds, building in intensity:

Ski 250/200 Meters

DB Push Press x 10 reps @ 20X2 (TOUGH)

2 Rope Climbs or 10/7 Strict Pull-ups

Dual KB Rack/Farmers Carry x 100 Meters (Rack Carry out, Farmer Carry in, switching at the 50m mark)

Rest 90 seconds

*Based on energy levels and time constraints, complete 3-4 rounds.