
Every 90 seconds, for 9 minutes (3 sets:)

1 – Wide-grip Pull-up Hold x 25-40 seconds

2 – Handstand Negative x 3-5 reps @ 5132

*Note – Grip should be a few inches wider than your normal pull-up grip.  Tempo for HS reads 5 seconds down, 1 sec pause at bottom, 3 seconds to stand up and kick back up to wall, 2 second hold at top before descending. 


3 sets:

BB Strict Press x 4-6 reps @ 2112 (heavier than last week)

Rest 2 minutes


3-4 rounds, building in intensity:

Ski 250/200 Meters

DB Push Press x 10 reps @ 20X2 (TOUGH)

2 Rope Climbs or 10/7 Strict Pull-ups

Dual KB Rack/Farmers Carry x 100 Meters (Rack Carry out, Farmer Carry in, switching at the 50m mark)

Rest 90 seconds

*Based on energy levels and time constraints, complete 3-4 rounds.