What if someone told you to floss only one tooth everyday? Or start the new year, not with grand resolutions, but with a simple challenge.. like ONE pushup a day? BJ Fogg shows us that the key to lasting change does not lie in planning big, monumental changes, but in thinking really, really small.

We are all above the curve when it comes to developing behaviors. I mean, what average person decides to jump on boxes for an hour. Yet still, we all have our bad habits. It is human nature to be self destructive. We also all have aspirations. If you truly want to make a change in your life and not just say it, then it is the small steps that will lead to permanent change.

(P.S.) If you truly wish to hack your habit changing potential, This is a good read to check out.



January 3, 2014 WOD

Hero WOD “TK”

20 minute AMRAP:
8 strict pullups
8 box jumps
12 KB Swings
RX 36/24 70/53
LV2 30/20 53/44
LV1 24/16 44/36
Banded Forearm stretch- 60 seconds per side