There are a lot of reasons to eat what we eat…there are reasons for health and wellness, for culture and heritage, for ideologies and morals, just to name a few. There are also a lot of opinions out there in the internet world, and as long as you stamp PHD or “certified personal trainer” after your name, you can develop yourself as an expert.

But in many cases, biases and standards can develop. If you think about it, there are a lot of things in the world of nutrition that are repeated so much that they are accepted as fact. BUT JUST BECAUSE THERE IS A CONSENSUS DOES NOT MEAN IT IS TRUE.

This interview with Lierre Keith aims to shed light on some of the biases we have developed as a culture ranging from health, sustainability, and our attempt to reconnect with nature.

Lierre is a farmer, activist, and author of The Vegetarian Myth. Lierre shares her journey of transitioning to an Ancestral approach to eating and living after 20+ years as a vegan. There’s so much to learn about food, life, and how to leave your mark on the world – I think you will enjoy this one.

December 16, 2013 WOD


1) In 10 minutes work up to a heavy complex of 1 clean first pull + 3 power cleans

2) Every minute for 6 minutes preform complex from above

3) Press 3×8 (power clean from floor)


3 rounds:
50 DUs
25 pushups (hand release)
25 kb swings (russian swing)
25 toes to bar
RX 70/53
LV2 53/44
LV1 44/36