Have you ever asked yourself why your doing CrossFit?  Is it to get stronger, look better on the beach, make you a better mom/dad, help you do things around the house easier, help you prepare for life?  CrossFit will have an enormous impact on all of the above.  By nature, CrossFit is what we call – General Physical Preparedness (preparation for the unknown and unknowable).  As you may or may not know, you are presently engaging in this form of fitness in a controlled environment.  The bars are balanced.  The floors are level (somewhat), the weights are easy to manipulate.  In everyday life however, things aren’t so controlled.  Picking your kid up or a bag of dog food can be awkward.  You may be on unleveled ground.  Things may not be so perfect.  These things you can not control.  The things you can control are the way you approach these different scenarios.  Think of all the lifts you encounter at the box, and the good form you use.  These things must not change when you leave.  If your lifting something off the ground (dead lift) get tight, keep a flat back, and don’t use your arms.  If your pressing something over head, once again, stay tight, set your core, and use proper mechanics.  All that we teach is directly applicable to the outside world.  It has what we call the “carry-over effect”.  Don’t just use good form at CrossFit Magnitude, use good form everywhere!

May 10, 2012 WOD


Super Squats 1×20

Note: Warm up to a weight you can only perform about 10 good reps with and do 20.  These are breathing squats so take as much time as you need to and breath as much as possible in between every rep.


perform this sequence 2-4-6-8-10-8-6-4-2 once for time of:

Kb dead lift high pull


Rest 3 minute, then:

in 3 minutes, complete as many reps as possible of:

pistols – left/right leg equals 1 rep