After listening to the weather man assure us that we are ‘getting walloped’ by this storm heading our way, I will be reassessing our class schedule for Friday night/Saturday morning over the next day or so regarding class cancelations/changes.  I am not going to make a decision until Thursday night, which should be ample time to give our weather guys and gals  a chance to determine this things track with certainty.  Keep an eye out for tomorrows post which will have schedule changes/cancellations if necessary.

And who said handstands were for kids?

And who said handstands were for kids?

February 7, 2013 WOD


1a) Box squat 10×3 – Use 50% of your last 1rm back squat

no rest,

1b) Box jump 10×3  80%

Rest 45 seconds


‘Tabata this’

Complete 8 rounds of 20 seconds work/10 seconds rest of:

Air squat

Pull up

Push up

Sit up