There is a lot of buzz going around in the CrossFit community about technique and intensity and wether or not the two can coexist with one another.   In my opinion, it essential that they must coexist in order to maximize your full potential as an athlete and as a person in general.  The better your technique is, the safer the movement will become, which ultimately leads to greater efficiency and effectiveness.  The argument lays at the point where technique affects intensity.   Is it worth using suspect technique in order to keep intensity high and where is that threshold ?  When do we know when we are going into hostile territory?  Here is a new video that goes into great detail discussing the technique and intensity paradox.  This video is a bit lengthy so if nothing else, watch the first 3-5 minutes then finish the whole thing when you can find time, it is not going anywhere and there is a lot of good information to consider.  If you have any questions regarding this stuff, ask a coach – We love explaining this stuff!

Technique and Intensity – Courtesy of

Travis going light today!

November 27, 2012 WOD


Bench press 8-5-5-3-3


In 10 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of:

10 Dead lift

10 Ring push ups

200m run

Failure to complete 4 rounds – 1,000m Row penalty

Rx – 225/135

Lv2 – 185/95

Lv1 – 135/65