coconut uses infographicYou like the catchy title….Pretty catchy huh 🙂

Now catch this. If coconut products are foreign to you or something you only consider consuming with rum when you are in Puerto Rico then consider reconsidering…They may not be one of the more well known “super foods”, like say blueberries or green tea, but they sure do pack a punch. They have a ton of amazing uses from cooking oil to skin/hair lotion. Not to mention they are an excellent source of MCT (that stands for Medium Chain Tryglicerides) fatty-acids….that’s the good stuff

BONUS: Check this out for a crazy way to use coconut oil to improve your dental health

September 16, 2013 WOD


In 30 minutes establish 1rm high bar back squat


ANNIE: complete sets of 50-40-30-20-10 for time

double under

sit up