Who can honestly say they have gone this far doing CrossFit from our start in early April without getting a callous, a cut up shin, and has not suffered any wrist strain.  Some of these things are hard to avoid while others are not.  Preparing yourself with the proper gear is just as essential as any other element in CrossFit training.  When you perform high repetition exercises such as pull ups and deadlifts, your hand will take a beating.  One way to prevent this is or shall I say minimize this is by taking necessary precautions.  Use plenty of chalk before you grab on to any type of bar, whether it is while doing dead lifts, pull ups, or kettle bell swings.  This will allow you to hold on tighter and avoid what I call ‘bar slip’.  When the bar slips and slides in your hand, callouses form and tears are inevitable.   The shin scrape is another annoying, but preventable inconvenience.  This usually results from doing dead lifts the right way.  Yes you heard me right.  the bar should always be in contact with the legs when done properly so shin scraping is almost unavoidable.  But there is a remedy I have come across – The compression sock.  When worn, these footless socks provide a great sliding surface for the bar to traverse up and over while the bar raises off the floor on its way up the lower leg.  Since my start using these, I have avoided hacking up my shins  completely.  People who have incurred wrist pain, in my opinion, are lacking in flexibility without a question.  There are, however, some lifts that do put minor strain on the wrists so it is good practice to take necessary precautions.   Wrist supports are a great remedy for this as they secure the wrist from being placed in an over extended position.  Like football or hockey, olympic lifting or gymnastics, the sport of fitness (CrossFit) is demanding of your body.  Anytime you compromise yourself with a cut or callous or anything else of that nature, you are compromising your progress.  Try to stay in the game as consistently as possible.  Take the necessary PRECAUTIONS and you will have one less reason to miss an opportunity to stay ahead.  Remember, every day missed is a day you will never get back for the rest of your life.

In the up coming weeks we will be stocking our pro-shop with all of the necessary gear to keep  you safe and productive.  Remember, as part of your membership, some of you will get discounts on all of these items based on your membership level.  If you are unsure where you stand, just ask.

May 24, 2012 WOD


in 15 minutes, establish a 3RM Push jerk


5 rounds for time of:

10 muscle snatch 95/65#

Run 200 meters