Dec 2013

Snatch Time

The Snatch….probably one of the most frustrating (and intimidating) movements we do in the box. But oh boy is it effective- power, speed, coordination, balance…you name it, the snatch covers it.

There is a lot going on in the snatch. A crucial piece of the puzzle is the shrug. For both the clean and snatch the shrug will affect the bar path and your movement around the bar. Lack of the shrug can cause the bar to get away from you causing you to have to move forward for the reception. Shrugging will help you finish your pull and get that last 10% you need to move more efficiently.

Mike Bledsoe demonstrates this concept with the tall snatch…notice how he does not just bend his elbows and pull the bar up…instead he shrugs the bar and drops down below it. This is a hard concept to grasp when pulling from the ground. It is very easy to try and muscle the bar up with your arms when you are first learning this movement. That aint gonna fly in the long run. Coach Chris likes to say that your arms are cables. The power comes from the hips, the shrug keeps the bar in close to your body and the catch is how fast you can get yourself underneath the bar. The arms are just there for the ride.

Are you supposed to shrug the bar up or shrug yourself down? What do you think?

December 5, 2013 WOD

Snatch- In 15 minutes, est a 1RM


7 rounds for time:
5 power snatch
5 overhead squat
200m run