

Perform 3 rounds of 30 seconds of work followed by 1 minute of rest of:

Max High-Jumps to a 20″ target

Row (calories)

Rest 3 minutes


Turkish Get-Up – In 8 minutes, establish a 1RM (both arms)


With a partner, complete the following for time:

60 Med Ball Side Tosses (12′) -alternating sides every 10 throws.

10 Rope Climbs (alternating every rep)


In two teams, complete the following:

20 Axle Dead Lift (140/100#)

20 Axle Front Rack Lunges (75/50#)

20 Burpees

* Every athlete on each team must perform all reps of each movement before moving on to the next.

First team to complete all reps wins!