Jul 2012

Road Trippin

August is a time when lots of families hit the road for that last summer adventure.  This is often a time  when most people also take a vacation  from making healthy choices.  If you are planning on hitting the road in the next few weeks, read this great article courtesy  of Marksdailyapple.com.  It gives great ideas to help keep you moving in the right direction, even while you put your normal routine on hold.  Post to the comment section below with any additional strategies you may have come up with that you have used in the past that you feel others might find handy. Enjoy!

primal road trip tips and tricks for staying healthy while traveling

July 31, 2012 WOD

Level 1

Box jump – Establish a Max jump height in 10 minutes


3-3-3-3-3 Dead lift


For time:

Run 400m

4 rounds for time of

10 burpee pull ups

20 kb overhead swing 1.5/1 pood

Run 400

Level 2

Kipping pull up (part 3)


5×3 Snatch high pull (heaviest possible)  DEMO


For time:

5 ground to overhead 115/75

10 overhead walking lunge  45/25

10 ground to overhead 115/75

15 overhead walking lunge 45/25

15 ground to overhead 115/75

20 overhead walking lunge 45/25

20 ground to overhead 115/75

25 overhead walking lunge 45/25