Hey, what is funny about poor position? Nothing is funny about poor position…..but this video that Coach Caitlin found is. Check it!


Greg and Ryan enjoying a Sunday bromance at the 8am mobility class



News Flash-  We got a PR Gong!! So next time you finally nail that 200# Clean, or your first strict pullup you can let the world know in style! However, there are some rules to the gong.

  1. Rule Numero Uno. You must actually hit a PR to dong the gong!! If you falsely whack it and you are found out, it will be 25 burpees for you in front of the class! No excuses (everyone will be encouraged to point and laugh at you as well)
  2. Bang it like you mean it! (refer to this video for a lesson)
  3. Respect the Gong! With great power comes great responsibility…


 December 9, 2013 WOD

1) In 7 minutes establish a flat footed (no jumping) muscle clean
2) Every minute for 6 minutes perform 5 muscle cleans
3) 10 minutes to establish a heavy turkish getup


Every minute for 7 minutes:
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 airsquats
rest 60 seconds
every minute for 7 minutes
5 push press
25 DUs
RX 135/85
LV 2 105/65
LV1 75/45