Phonto (2)

We got another 5 ingredient throw together for ya’ll.

Salmon and Avocado Pesto

The What

  • 1 can of wild caught Alaskan Salmon
  • 1 avocado
  • handful of fresh dill
  • olive oil
  • sea salt

The How

  1. open can (most people use can openers)
  2. pit, slice and dice your avocado
  3. add both to a bowl
  4. chop up dill and add
  5. add a pinch o’ salt and a glug of olive oil (and a squeeze of lemon if you please)
  6. mix all stuffs with 100% focus, then consume.



It’s like Christmas again at the box. Look at all that Rogue gear waiting to get opened.

Any guesses at whats in the boxes?

We will give you a hint….It is not a shake weight.

February 1, 2014 WOD

Pendlay Row – 5×5 heaviest possible
**rest 60-90 seconds between sets**


As a team complete the following
100 chest to bar pullups
150 wall balls
3000m row
Athletes may partition reps as they like.