Here is a great video from the vault featuring the original ‘Nasty Girls’.  I don’t intend on anyone to watch the whole WOD through to the end, although  it is recommended, rather I would like you all, especially the ladies, to get an idea of what INTENSITY looks like and to also note that women are just as capable of it as men are.  Check the video out courtesy of HERE!

Also, the myth that has been perpetuating amongst skeptical women that “I am going to get to big and bulky if I do CrossFit” also needs to be put to rest by viewing this picture of the second place finisher at the CrossFit games this year – Julie Foucher shown below.


Julie works out probably 3x as hard as anyone I know and lifts about 3x more as well. Take a look at some of her stats regarding some of her weights used in major lifts as well as some of her more noteworthy times for a few of CrossFit’s benchmark WODS HERE!

August 22, 2012 WOD


1a) 5×2 Dead lift (keep weight to that which will allow for fast but perfect reps)

Rest 60 seconds

1b) 5×2 Close grip bench press (keep weight to that which will allow for fast but perfect reps)


Every minute on the minute for 12 minutes complete the following:

10 squat jumps

10 overhead kb swings

Rx – 45/35

Lv2 – 35/25

Lv1 – 25/15

Notes: Squat jumps should be taken to full depth (hip below knee) with a 1" hop at the top with hips     fully opened. KB swings must end in overhead position with hips open, kb completely vertical, with elbows locked at the top position.