So if you are like most of us, chances are you are locked to a chair or running around on your feet all day long. Perhaps by mid afternoon you are feeling a little geared up in the hips and lower back. That’s OK, it is normal.

Here is a quick set of easy and calming stretches to help you restore your hips and release that annoying feeling you get in your lower back around lunch time. No lacrosse ball or PVC pipe needed here, just an empty space on the floor.

Also! this is a great sequence to throw into your post WOD cool down and mobility work…say perhaps after some squatting or squat cleans….hint, hint.

November 20, 2013 WOD


5×1 hang squat clean+2 front squats



13 minute AMRAP

7 deadlift

7 hang power cleans

100m run

RX 155/95

LV2 115/65

LV1 65/35