

Greg Glassman (the guy who is responsible for this whole CrossFit thing) when asked how does CrossFit make you better, he responded to the eager “Fast Company” reporter, “we fail on our margins of experience”

In other words if you have never done a handstand pushup before, then you are barking up the wrong tree if you expect to be able to casually kick up against a wall and start banging out kipping HSPUs. For some this may be a reality, but, in reality, this is not the case for most.

Here is a reality check: You most likely will not be able to perform a movement on the first attempt. In fact it is probable that you will fail on the second, third and fourth. But, with each one of those attempts, you gain something. First off, your willingness to fail gives you the ability to succeed. There is something to be said for trying again. If you never pick up a jump rope, you will never do a double under…plain and simple.

Second off, every time you hit your shines with that jump rope you learn what not to do. The next time you may jump a little higher, flick your wrist a little faster, or keep your legs a little straighter.

It may take a while, but the take away point is this…Practice does not make perfect, practice makes permanent. Once you get it down, it becomes second nature. Squatting isn’t about barbells and bumper plates any more but simple picking something up of the ground, or getting out of chair.

And that is how you get better.

October 5, 2013 WOD


RX Split Jerk 5×2

LV2 Push Jerk 5×3

LV1 Push Press 4×4



10min EMOTM

4 power cleans

3 min rest

10 min EMOTM

power snatch

RX 185/135 135/85

LV2 135/95 95/65

LV1 sub with: