“Box jumps are mainly about jumping onto a box. Simple, right? But like any CrossFit movement, you can always add a good dose of virtuosity for increased speed, efficiency and grace.”


Here Kelly Starrett and Carl Paoli unleash there guru on how to work towards a perfect box jump. This includes understanding the mechanics of jumping and landing, proper foot and body position, and even some mobility drills you could do before hand to get you primed for proper bouncing.


By preparing your joints and tissues properly and then using solid positioning during reps, your box-jump efficiency will improve instantly. Not to mention all other jumping you do in the gym.

August 28, 2013 WOD


Smolov 3/4 High Bar Back Squat 10×3@85% of 1rm

Rest 2 minutes between sets



4 rounds for time:

30 push up

15 box jump


RX 24/20

LV2 20/16

LV1 16/12