Great job to everyone who threw down in todays WOD!  It’s always nice to get outside  in the sun  every now and then.

Just a reminder to those of you who want to try something a little more challenging, our Monday night class is awaiting more test-0uts to join in on the fun – and fun it is!  Not only will you be engaging in exciting new movements, you will also be facing a greater challenge amongst  your peers.   As you become more proficient with the basics, and have established good consistent mechanics, your level of intensity will naturally rise due to an ability to push yourself harder while maintaining efficiency and safety.  This offers you the greatest ability to gain the most from this programming as possible. The goal should always be to get as good as possible with all the movements first.  Then proceed to get fast and strong with them.    Just keep in mind that it is easier to learn good technique from the start than it is to correct bad habits later on!

May 18, 2012 WOD


DB hang squat clean


Front squats 2-2-2-2-2


In 8 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of:

100m plate carry (hold it how ever you’d like) 45/25#

10 db/med ball hang squat cleans 30/20#

Rest 2 minutes, then:

in 4 minutes, as a team of 2, complete as many reps as possible of:

10 burpees

10 box jumps

Note: each team member is to perform 10 burpees, one after the other,    then 10 box jumps.  only one person is to go at a time.  score is total  combined reps.