May 2012

Motor Control

Have you asked yourself lately, how well is my ROM (range of motion)?  Have you noticed increased inflammation around joints post workout?  Do you feel a burning sensation at an end range of motion while performing a movement pattern?  Are there movements that you cant even force yourself to do?  I know I revisit this topic frequently, but it is always worth another mention.   Motor control is an element to movement that is often overlooked.   Knowing how to move may be all that is missing to establishing a safe full range of motion movement pattern.  Not being able to feel the movement, and improperly positioning yourself during a movement can very well be the cause of your inability to get into that good position.  Certain joints need proper alignment in order to move freely or they can and will be impinged.   And it is not just about being able to get in that good position, it is getting into a good position, then being able to establish proper muscle recruitment, strength, power, and stability from this position.   So make sure you keep progressing towards a more mobile state, and always continue to further your understanding of the movements you are trying to perform.  Think about these things next time your sitting in the bottom of a squat…

It appears that I have narrowed down the field in terms of who is having trouble registering for classes.  It looks like it is only the people using Internet Explorer.  Try for a day using Google Chrome or Safari.  If this makes all your problems go away, please let me know.  I am very curious as to what the heck is going on!

May 22, 2012 WOD


Snatch Balance 3-3-3-3-3


4 rounds for total reps of:

in 3 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of:

5 box jumps 24/20″

10 hand release pushups

15 air squats

rest 1 minute between each round