May 2012

Mobilize it!

How many of you guys and gals can touch your toes?  I want to take a moment and talk about mobility and fitness.  Guess what – they go hand in hand.  I bet that came as a surprise to some of you!  Think back to your free intro class when we discussed the 10 general physical skills that you must be competent in, if you are to ever be able to label yourself as being FIT.   According to these 10 general physical skills, each being equally as important as the next, we understand that  flexibility is just as important as strength, and power, and cardio-respiratory endurance.  So why is it that you treat it like a stray dog?  I think it is because you don’t regard it as a way to increase performance.  Guess again – It does matter – A LOT!

I know how much you all hate to stretch. Lets face it, it sucks!  But what we hate doing and are not so good at, is usually a sign of a weakness.  Lets start thinking about making flexibility a strength!  A lot of you guys are equivalent to driving around in a Ferrari all day with the e-brake jacked all the way up.  If you think your a good performer now, wait till you set yourself free!  As Kelley Starrett once said “If you know you have tight hips, calves, hamstrings, quads, thoracic spine, or shoulders and aren’t actively, aggressively striving to fix them, then you must be afraid of having a bigger squat, faster rowing splits, or a more explosive second pull (referring to the olympic lifts), or you must be very lazy.”

Kelley is very right!  If you want to keep getting better, you cannot single out the things you want to get better at, you must equally get better at it all.

May 8, 2012 WOD


Overhead Squat 4×5 –  Rest 60 seconds between sets


Complete sets of 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 for time of:

Shoulder to overhead (any type of press) 95/65#

Pull ups

Rest 3 minutes, then:

Row 1,000m for time