“Every day we are faced with some type of conflict, or some type of confrontation…and how you manage that determines the quality of your day, and the quality of your week, and therefore the quality of your life. Fear management is everything”

If you have ever got in a fight and it didn’t turn out in your favor, it wasn’t because you were not good at kicking or punching like Mr. Miyagi. It turns out it is most likely because you froze up in the moment. Fear overpowered.

Tony Blauer, karate kid turned self defense coach, talks about how to develop second nature tactics to get you through a confrontation and overcome your fear in an organically fearful situation.

This isn’t about being tough or bad ass, It is about standing up to the bad guy. Turns out that skill can translate to many other conflicts we face in our lives.

November 8, 2013 WOD


1a) Close grip bench 2-2-2-2-2

rest 60 sec

1b) Pendley Row 4-4-4-4-4

rest 60 sec



EMOM 20 minutes

odd minute 5 strict pullups

even minute 10 deficit pushups

**pushups- hands on plates and let chest go below hands and touch ground