A few things to mention today.  First, if you’re still without power, and have not had a hot shower in days, come join us for a WOD and take a nice long hot shower afterwards.

I have an updated list of all the participants of the Whole Life Challenge.  I also have a list of several people who have signed up but have not paid.  I will be sending those of you who have not fully registered a reminder email momentarily.  If you believe it to be an error – Let me know ASAP!

For everyone who will not be able to make the pre-game huddle, measurement, and preliminary WOD, please contact us at info@crossfitmagnitude.com right away so we can schedule a make up date this week, no later than  Saturday.

Lastly, we added another CrossFit class to the schedule.  It will be Wednesday at 3:15pm.  If daycare is needed, please send request 24 hours in advance to caitlin@crossfitmagnitude.com


February 12, 2013 WOD


Snatch balance 7×3 (heaviest possible)


5 rounds for time of:

10 muscle snatch

10 pull up

30 air squat

Rx – 75/55

Lv2 – 55/35

Lv1 – 35/15