Feb 2014

Khalipa Speaks.

Can you beat Jason Khalipa? Find out. Register for the 2014 Reebok CrossFit Games Open here:

In the mean time….who can name these two lunging athletes? Bueller? Bueller?


February 4, 2014 WOD

Snatch Balance- spend 15 minutes working up to a single around 70-80% of perceived 1rm


1 minute ME kettlebell swing then:
5 minute AMRAP of:
20 dowel overhead squats
50 doubleunders
1 minute ME kettlebell swings then:
5 minute AMRAP of:
15 wallballs
10 pullups
1 minute ME kettlebell swing
RX 70/53 20/14
LV2 53/44 20/14
LV1 44/36 10/8
Score equals total kb swings, and total COMPLETED rounds combined for both AMRAP’s