Ever hear of a keton? Well if your not up to speed on your organic chemistry, this is a pretty awesome presentation to tune in to.

Peter Attia is a relentless self-experimenter, obsessed with the idea of a “quantified self.” In the presentation he will share two components of his physical transformation as he evolved from “fit but fat and metabolically deranged” to “fit, lean, and metabolically dialed in.” In particular, Peter will focus on the possible advantages of a ketogenic diet, and in the process share much of what he’s learned implementing it in himself and hundreds of others over the past two years.

…don’t feel like being glued to a screen for an hour and 17 minutes? No worries, check out a write up on the presentation. It includes quick summaries and nifty graphs.
Ketogenic Diet Improves Insulin Sensitivity and Numerous Aging Markers


February 3, 2014 WOD

Strength- Deload Week
1×5 40%
1×5 50%
1×5 60%


5 rounds for time
10 bar facing burpees
10 push press


Rx 115/75
LV2 95/65
LV1 65/35