Can’t ask for a better Memorial Day weekend than that!  Hope everyone got plenty of vitamin D – I got a little extra if you didn’t happen to get any.   Hats off to everyone who came in on Saturday for our very first Hero WOD.  I told you it wasn’t going to be easy!  Just remember, with every hard effort you put yourself through, comes great reward.

Just had a quick thought regarding nutrition.  A lot of people have fallen into the Glycemic Index food trap.  They believe that if all the carbs they buy are low glycemic, then it doesn’t matter which foods they eat and when, it’s all good because the GI is low.  Right? – Wrong!

Example:  If you were to eat a low glycemic bowl of oatmeal with some low glycemic blueberries, with some low glycemic cinnamon, with a piece of low glycemic toast and jelly, would that be considered a healthy breakfast?   A lot of people would consider that healthy, and I am sure it is compared to what they actually eat, however, if this was all you ate during that meal, it would in fact be unhealthy for you.  They just had a carb with a carb with a carb with a carb.  That equals lots of Insulin!  And you all know what that means.

In my opinion, a carb is a carb is a carb.  Yes they are created differently and are obsorbed by the body into the blood stream at different rates, but the specific foods Glycemic Index is just one variable.  You have to consider everything that you eat in a single sitting as one food.  All the foods on your plate have different qualities to them and  breakdown in the body at different rates.  We know that fat and protein have a severely blunted insulin response compared to carbohydrates.  Understanding this little bit of information, we can then mix and match our foods so that we are not over emphasizing an influx of insulin into the system, which tends to ultimately be the cause of certain cancers, diabetes, and heart disease.

Now I am not saying that you should eat undesirable carbs whenever you want because you can offset their glycemic response with other foods such as fats and proteins (although technically you can ). Just know that mixing protein, carbs, and fats into a single meal is one of the best ways to control insulin.  If you can control insulin,  you can control your destiny.


Some photos of the past week…


May 28, 2012 WOD


Sumo Deadlift 5-5-5-5


4 rounds for time of:

10 push ups

20 kb swings 1.5/1 pood

1 mile bike ride