Here is an interesting article I came across discussing possible causes and side effects of a condition known as hypothyroidism.  Understanding a conditioning first is always the best first step in knowing how to deal with it.  This article is courtesy of Mike Adams, The Health Ranger.

Heal Your Thyroid

July 20, 2012 WOD

Level 1
BB Acrobatics:

Hang snatch 5×3 -(heaviest possible) Rest 60 seconds


Overhead squat 4×4 -(heaviest possible) Rest 60 seconds


In 10 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of:

10 push press 135/95

20 pullups

Level 2

5×5 Press (strict) -(heaviest possible)


In 10 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of:

10 med ball cleans 20/14

10 pull ups

75 single unders