
The art of a low information diet. It is a hard diet to follow, especially in today’s over informed world. It is easy to get overwhelmed with all the content out there. Especially since everyone has an opinion, and tell you they are right…that’s why it is called an opinion 😉 (For example just type “best way to loose weight” or “investment strategy” into Google and you can spend the rest of your life reading)

Here is a good article by the Whole9Life on how to fight the power.

We generally think of the wealth of information available at our fingertips as a good thing. (What did we ever do without YouTube, Wikipedia, and Google?) But all this data is a double-edged sword. Finding the right information at the right time to help us meet our goals—good. Getting sucked into so much information our head explodes—bad… for your health, your sanity, and your goals. -Melissa Hartwig


BB Acrobatics

In 15 minutes establish a 2RM Hang Clean



For time complete the following:

10 split jumps

100 Double Unders

10 lateral box jumps

80 double unders

10 pistols

60 double unders

10 split jumps

40 double unders

10 lateral box jumps

20 double unders

10 pistols


RX 20/16

LV2 16/12

LV1 12/6