bodybuilding-competitionWhen you here the word protein powder, there are a few interpretations that come to mind. One might spark an image of this guy. GNC and those late night infomercials have done a good job to develop that perception. Walking into a sports supplement store these days can feel more like entering a candy shop…full of colorful powders in neon tubs

But I ask you to delay that idea and re-consider. Because here is the deal. Not all protein powders are created equal, and the good stuff is in fact really good. You just need to recognize which ones are the good ones and which ones are better off in the Disney Land park stores.

Why Supplement Your Diet with an All-Natural Whey Protein Powder?

  • Supports your immune health*
  • Supports your energy levels*
  • Supports your joint and muscle health*
  • Supports your beneficial gut bacteria*
  • Promotes your muscle strength, endurance and recovery*
  • Protects all your tissues’ cells via its antioxidant properties*
  • Provides critical amino acids and proteins for overall optimal health*
  • Supports your body’s optimal metabolic rate and fat burning level


…and here are a couple more high quality choices.

October 25, 2013 WOD


7×1 Snatch- 1 Snatch + 1 Snatch Push Press + 1 Snatch Balance

LV1/developing technique 5×1 muscle snatch + snatch push press + overhead squat



For time 21-15-9

power snatch

wall ball

RX 115/75, 20/14

LV2 85/55, 14/12

LV1 65/35, 10/8