
It’s Friday! You worked all week, made healthy meals, hit the gym, ran errands, did laundry, walked the dog, and cleaned the house. Now, you think, it’s time for a reward – Happy Hour. So, do you ditch the diet and savor a sweet syrupy mudslide while popping pieces of fried calamari and gossiping with friends? Or do you go home and slump into your couch with a bowl of salad? Fortunately, staying healthy and leading an active social life doesn’t have to be so black and white.

Drinking alcohol is not Paleo, Healthy, or anything in between. Go ahead say it out loud…Its ok. But! It is also not healthy to exclude yourself from social events and feel stress from being restrictive when you go out with your friends. Life is about balance. A night of drinking is not going to cause Type 2 Diabetes or decrease your workout times as long as the other lifestyle factors are in check.

Still though if you are going to partake in some social lubrication, there are some ways you can optimize your drinking…check out the infographic above and click on the article link from Mark Sisson on how to hack your weekend.

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OCtober 18, 2013 WOD


In 12 minutes work up to a heavy Push Jerk

LV1 Push Press



HSPU practice



9 min AMRAP

5 Box Jumps


30 DUs

RX 24”/20”

LV2 20”/16”

LV1 16”/12”