Just wanted to bring up a quick point tonight.  I am not a doctor, so please do not take this as medical advice, however, I do understand some basic mechanisms of how the human body functions.  As a CrossFitter, your body is going to go through some changes.  Physiologically speaking, you will get stronger, process food differently, your hormone levels will change, your interaction with drugs will be different, and on and on…What worries me most are the people who have been sedentary for some time, picked up this new CrossFit thing, started to eat real foods, and are still on a bunch of medications at the same doses.  When you start to eat healthy, wholesome foods and start a new workout program, changes will take place.  Your resting heart rate will go down along with your cholesterol levels and blood pressure to name a few.  You must account for these changes, especially if you are presently on medications. Why?  Because if you don’t, and these changes take place, and they will, then the present dose you are on now is going to be at an unsafe level.  Now you are taken in an increased level of toxins (medication) and it could have very negative effects.  I wouldn’t count on your doctor to bring this to your attention as he is in the business to push pills for big pharma.  You need to do yourself a favor and bring it to theirs!  Tell them how well you eat now, and how active you have been, and that you think it would be wise to get blood work to determine a more proper dose of medication to be on, as well as some indication of whether it may be more safe to get off of them altogether and just continue on the safe path you are presently on.  From my understand, the toxic chemical pills they conjure up in these labratories are in no way safe for human consumption.  If you believe this to be an invalid point, please bring me your healthy med insert that does not list any side effects.  I have to see this for myself!

I hope this does not raise any concerns on your part, but rather enlightens you to the possiblilties of being on a solid exercise program as well as a healthy diet.


May 17, 2012 WOD


Snatch grip push press 3-3-3-3


Complete the following for time:

Run 800 m

50 Dead lift – BW

100 Air squat

Run 800 m