Aug 2013

Get Outside



Importance of Sun Exposure and Your Health

Alas summer is coming to an end. The days are getting shorter and the temperature is going to start dropping. Don’t get me wrong fall is one of my favorite seasons. There is something nostalgic about an east coast autumn.

But! for now, a suggestion…GET OUTSIDE! It is good for you. We want you in the gym as much as possible, but take advantage of the warm weather while you can….switch it up- go for a beach run, take the dog for a walk, hell! take a nap on the hammock.

Sun Exposure in a healthy setting (without tanning oil, mirrors and a cheesy drink with an umbrella) is a CRUCIAL part to your health and longevity. And being as we don’t all live in Costa Rica (wouldn’t that be nice), we do not always have the big yellow ball overhead to provide us with high quality Vitamin D and good mood enhancing hormones.

Take advantage of it while you still can. Aire Libre!!!

August 30, 2013 WOD


Smolov 3/1

High Bar Back Squat 6×6@70% of 1RM (+ 5-25#)




In Teams of Two:

Row 5000 m

Power Clean 50x

Partition Reps however you like but only one partner may move at a time

RX- 155/95

LV2- 115/75

LV1- 75/45