Nice write up here about training after 35 and top things to avoid. Starting with of course, a pat-yourself-on-the-back for still training while being so “old”! LOL… But whats hardest for many of us old folk is trying to keep up with the youngins during WODS, its certainly nice when we beat someone half our age or even 10 years younger, but when we don’t, reality is they are younger, looser, more nimble, bounce back easier…etc. Not to say they are “better”, they just have less miles on the tires (knees, ankles, shoulders…etc) and in this game we have to keep within our boundaries to stay in it for the long haul. So stand tall when you wipe the floor with the youngsters and be realistic when you don’t, its all relative and this article here has some tips on what to avoid when TRAINING AFTER 35.
