I have been on a cherry kick for the last month or so and have no plans to quit .  You would think that cherries being as dense and sweet as they are would be a high glycemic, insulin producing, undesirable fruit like many others of its kind.  Turns out, it is one of the best fruits to eat as it scores a super low 22 on the glycemic index.  Thats not all though.  Cherries are also a great anti inflammatory, can help ward off cancer, help you sleep better, as well as lower blood pressure.  Read on to find out why Cherries should be part of your diet every year when the season is right!

Article courtesy of Naturalnews.com

Cherries a SuperFood?

Just a reminder to anyone looking to get some great Reebok gear discounted 30% off, we will be placing our order today.



July 12, 2013 WOD


1) Power clean & jerk – Spend 20 minutes working up to a 1rm.


Complete 4 rounds for time of:

10 power clean

400m run


Rx – 135/85

Lv2 – 95/65

Lv1 – 65/35