Gluten and Casein – to keep around or eliminate for good?  I am only going to harp on this subject momentarily because it is worth the mention before we start our challenge.    Gluten and casein are both naturally occurring proteins found in wheat and dairy products respectively.  They are also both two of the top allergens out there.  Like someone who is allergic to nuts or soy, both gluten and casein have there fair share of negative effects on those who are intolerable.  This is something worth checking into because despite how much you may love that glass of milk it may be better to go without than deal with its potential darker side.  During the next two months of the challenge, we will be eliminating certain foods in an attempt to recognize the effects that their absence will have on us all.  If you are unsure what products have these proteins in them and how to recognize whether you are intolerable to them or not (potentially have Celiacs disease), I’ve posted a couple links below covering this.   Check it out and take the test yourself to see what side of the line you stand on.

Articles courtesuy of

Celiac Disease

Food Products to Avoid





February 16, 2013 WOD

BB acrobatics:

Clean & Jerk 7×2 (heaviest possible)



30 clean and jerk for time


Rx – 135/95

Lv2 – 95/65

Lv1 – 65/35