I know I have discussed this topic before, but it is worth mentioning again -Learn how to squat, and learn how to do it good!

“Regardless of what the problem is, the answer is to squat.”

Those are the words of CrossFit founder and CEO Greg Glassman.

“People who do not know how to squat do not have normal hip function, don’t have normal leg functional,”  “They can’t jump, run, throw or punch correctly.”

Squatting is the most fundamental, foundational movement we teach in CrossFit.  It is the first brick we lay, in an attempt to build a solid, superstructure above.

If you haven’t already perfected the squat, you may find that everything else you do, here at CrossFit or at home, is more problematic than it needs to be.   If you are just starting out, take your time with this movement and make it a strong point.  The basics need to be addressed if you ever want to make it to the top.  They are not called the basics for nothing.  Like building a house, if the foundation is off level and un-square , everything else you do will eventually become a nightmare!

The night crew hard at work!

May 9, 2012 WOD


Dead lift 5-5-5-5-5  Rest 90 seconds in between sets


in 8 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of:

10/side – one arm KB high pull 36/25#

20 kb front squats 36/25#

10 V-situps

rest 2 minutes, then:

1 round for time of:

ride 2 miles

50 hand release push ups

50 jumping pull ups

ride 2 miles