Nov 2012

Bring a Guest!

We all know how fun and addictive CrossFit (being healthy) is.  Well, we figured there are probably lots of people out there who would love it to, they just don’t know it yet.  Heres how you can help those people.  Let them know (your spouse, kids, or a friend) that we will be holding “Guest Days” on December 6, 7, & 8 as well as January 10, 11 & 12.  These will be ‘normal classes’,however, class limits will be lifted.  This will be a great chance to give someone you know and care about  an opportunity to see first hand how you’ve been making such great improvements, and let them try it for themselves!

Also, for those of you who already know that special someone is ready to get their start, be sure to suprise them with a CF Magnitude Gift Certificate.  You can get a certificate for CrossFit, CrossFit kids as well as sessions for Personal  Training,  Nutrition, and Spin .  For more info contact info@crossfitmagnitude.com or call 781-319-7154.


Good thing they’re teammates!


November 26, 2012 WOD


High bar back squat 5-5-3-3-3-1-1


4 rounds for time of:

5 snatch grip dead lift

5 hang power snatch

5 overhead squat

* a 10 burpee penalty will be assessed each round you do not get through unbroken.

Rx – 115/75

Lv2 – 75/55

Lv1 – 55/35