
Non-beneficial stress is a terrible waste. Not only does it decrease immune function, shorten your lifespan, and impair sexual performance, it can also destroy your sleep. Perhaps the most common reason people report not being able to sleep is that they don’t know how to clear their mind and stop worrying.

Deep breathing exercises like Art of Living, pranayama yoga, meditation, and other methods can do wonders for helping your brain shut down, recuperate, and prepare for another day of high performance. Another similar but more upgraded technique is HeartMath.

With that in mind, Here are 3 exercises you can do A good time would be immediately upon waking up to flood your body with energy boosting oxygen, before you go to sleep help relax, and any time you are feeling stressed out.

October 8, 2013 WOD


In 12 minutes establish a 20rm Push Press



1000m row

30 hang squat cleans

RX 135/85

LV2 95/65

LV1 65/35 or DBs