The Roll Model


Pain is an Epidemic.

It prevents you from performing at your best because it robs you of concentration and power. But pain is preventable, treatable, and within your grasp to heal.

THE ROLL MODEL gives you the tools and techniques to change the course of your life in less than 5 minutes a day.

Jill Miller

About the Author

Jill Miller is recognized internationally as the ”Teacher’s Teacher” and has trained thousands of movement educators, clinicians, and manual therapists to incorporate the Roll Model methodology into fitness and medical facility programs worldwide. Jill and her Roll Model products have been featured on The Today ShowGood Morning AmericaFox NewsABC News, and in publications such as ShapeFitnessWSelfYoga Journal, Redbook, and Prevention. To Pre-Order The Roll Modelgo here.

February 11, 2014 WOD

Spend 20 minutes working HSPU or walking on hands!


15 minute AMRAP
10 wallball
10 burpees
10 c2b pullups
20 wallball
10 burpee
10 c2b pullup
30 wallball
10 burpee
10 c2b pullups
40 wallball….
**add 10 wallball reps each round**