Just read an article that grabbed at me in a way.  The topic was about going the distance with an exercise and getting past the hardest part, which wasn’t muscular fatigue.  It was more the mental aspect of it.  He said “If what was lacking was endurance, then I would have to become more enduring”.  What he was speaking to was the fact that he couldn’t reach a set number, a goal he had set out to achieve.  Despite his continual failure, he kept pushing past the pain, past the negative mindset of not being able to do it, and ultimately, in the end he did it.   Over coming the goal was hard for him, but not as hard as it was to fail.  This speaks highly to his state of commitment towards a goal.  This is something we all need to consider the next time we are pressed with a task, regardless of what it is and where it takes place – at home or here at the box. His take home lesson was: “The pain of failure is greater than the effort of achievement”.  Wow! That is deep.  I mean, What is more painful to you? How much does it mean to you to achieve what you set out to do?

Just a reminder to those part of the Paleo Challenge, Tessa will be whipping up some good ol’ Paleo Breakfast foods this morning at 9:45 a.m.!

June 9, 2012 WOD


Wall walks


Pull ups – Max effort x 4 sets for total reps.

Rest 2 minutes in between each set.

Ring dips – Max effort x 4 sets for total reps (sub with ring push up).

Rest 2 minutes between each set.

Push jerk – Max effort x 4 sets for total reps.  1/2 bw


4 rounds of: (no time component)

4 Turkish get ups/hand

8 Toes to bar