What is your first name and last initial?
Chad S.
What is your age?
How long have you been CrossFitting for?
7 months
What is your favorite WOD or movement?IMG_6736
Bear complex, Fran, Daniel
What is your least favorite WOD or movement?
Double unders – just because I still can’t
Take us back to your first WOD…What was it, and how did it feel?
Dead lifts for strength, I forget the WOD, but Whatever it was I loved it
What sort of changes have you seen in your body, health and fitness since starting CrossFit?
Increased mobility and strength. Executing movements more precisely and efficiently
What sort of changes in your life have you experienced as a result of doing CrossFit that were totally unexpected?
Met some really cool people.
What are your hobbies outside of CrossFit?
Skiing, beach, paddle boarding, kayaking
Any advice for people just getting started?
Educate yourself. Have a general understanding of what your getting into. Look up the typical WODs, take some time to watch videos on the movements….you gain a lot by studying before you hit the box!

February 5, 2014 WOD

Strength- Deload Week
1×5 40%
1×5 50%
1×5 60%


For time complete the following
18 power clean
21 box jumps
15 power cleans
18 box jumps
12 power cleans
15 box jumps
RX 135/95 24/20
LV2 105/75 20/16
LV1 85/45 16/12