It looks like, due to popular demand, several classes will be added to the menu real soon.  We are thinking a second CrossFit class on saturday around 10:30, followed by an open gym period for  all eligible members as well as a Sunday  open gym period.   A Friday afternoon open gym period, followed by an evening CrossFit class.   Make sure in the mean time to reserve class times ahead of time in order to lock in a spot.  We understand some compromises will have to be made until further classes and coaches are available.  We are doing the best we can to allow for everyone to get here for their allotted classes.  Direct all complaints this way  I am open to criticism full time!  We want to make this place run around your wants and needs.

July 21, 2012 WOD

Level 1 + Level 2

7×3 High bar back squat (heaviest possible)


As teams of two, in 20 minutes, climb as high up the ladder as possible using sets 1,2,3,4,5,6…etc of:

Box jumps


KB sumo deadlift high pull

Notes: To beging, member 1 will perform 1 jump, burpee, and high pull, then member 2 will follow suit performing 1 of everything.  While member 1 works, member 2 rests.Continue as high up the ladder as time allows.  Teammates may not partition reps.