I don’t know if it is just me, but is anyone else noticing a trend in the weather lately?  Rainy to start of the week followed by SUNSHINE all weekend long.  This always used to be the case, except it was nice during the work week and rainy on week ends.  Speaking of long weekends, we will be canceling classes for Memorial Day, Monday –  May 28th so please mark your calendars and ENJOY the day off – You deserve it!

Today I got the pleasure of sneaking off to the White Mountains to go rock climbing!   Not having climbed since January, I felt like I never skipped a beat.  I attribute the lack of staleness to my CrossFit training, always keeping me prepared for anything and everything I do!  I ran into several CrossFitters on the Crag today.  It seems that where ever I go, I am always running into someone in our extended family.  The funny part is, when I do come across fellow CrossFitters, there is always this instant bond.  A mutual understanding that no one else gets.  It must be a CrossFit thing!  I love what an amazing community CrossFit is!  So glad you can all be a part of it!

May 21, 2012 WOD

Level 1

Tempo back squat  5×3 (heaviest possible)


Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
95/65 pound Thruster, 5 reps
95/65 pound Hang Powercleans, 7 reps
95/65 pound Sumo Deadlift High-pull, 10 reps

Level 2
Barbell Acrobatics:

In 10 minutes, establish a 3RM hang snatch


Snatch grip push press 4×2 (heaviest possible)

Hang snatch high pull 4×5 (heaviest possible)


3 rounds for time of:

3 rope climb

6 thrusters 135#

9 ring dips

500m row