Sep 2013


A big thanks to everyone who came out to support us at the Marshfield Boys and Girls club  Fitness Expo on Sunday.  Another great reason this community rocks so much!!!

September 29, 2013 WOD

BB Acrobatics

1) RX 5×3 Hang Snatch (pause 3 seconds above knee)

LV2 5×3 Hang Power Snatch + Overhead Squat (pause 3 seconds above knee)

LV1 5×3 Hang Muscle Snatch + Overhead Squat (pause 3 seconds above knee)

Rest 1-2 minutes between each set



2) 3×5 behind neck push press

Rest 60-90 seconds between each set



Every minute for 10 minutes perform:

5 burpee box jumps

finish off remaining time of minute with as many double unders

score is total # of DUs