Aug 2013



August 10, 2013 WOD


Spend 10 minutes working on your hand stand push up/hold.


In 15 minutes, establish a heavy push press/push jerk combo.

Note: This is to be performed unbroken.


“Bear Complex”

Perform 7 reps of the sequence:

1 power clean

1 front squat

1 push press

1 back squat

1 push press

Complete 4 total rounds, resting as needed.


Note:  There are many versions of the Bear Complex.  We will be using one unbroken set without putting the bar down of 7 cycles through the 5 exercises.  Perform a power clean  first, come to the top, then re-dip for the push press (no thrusters allowed in front or back) and drive bar overhead racking it on the traps. Perform a squat to depth and return back to top.  Once at top, re-bend knee to dip and drive bar back overhead to the front hang position.  This is one rep. After you go through the sequence once (one rep), do not put the bar down, rather touch and go into the next power clean.  After the seventh time through you may drop the bar and rest as needed.  The goal is to start with a moderately heavy weight and progress to the heaviest weight possible.