Aug 2013

Check out this video of the WOD “2007” performed by the men this year at the 2013 CrossFit Games.  Take note of the pace they use during the row.  Your ability to stay composed during the row will dictate your success with the rest of the WOD.  Have a strategy on this one!  Enjoy…

August 5, 2013 WOD


In 20 minutes, establish a 1rm Hi-bar back squat

***Note – This will be used over the next three weeks as part of our next strength cycle.  Make sure to record your max!!!



For time, complete:

1000m Row, then

5 rounds of:

25 pull up

7 push jerk

*12 minute time cap.

Rx – 135/95

Lv2 – 95/65

Lv1 – 65/35