Mar 2013

Happy Easter



Happy Easter!


March 30, 2013 WOD

“Team Magic Mika Relay”

In team of four complete AMRAP in 20 minutes of the following four:

200m Farmer walk

200m Run

20 Wall ball

10 Burpee box jump


Rx – 70/55, 20/14, 24/20″

Lv2 – 55/36, 14/12, 20/16″

Lv1 – 36/20, 12/8, 16/12″

Notes: In teams of four.  Athlete one must complete farmer walk and pass off kb’s to athlete two before continuing on to the run, wallball, burpee box, etc…  Each athlete must wait until the athlete ahead of them completes the movement before they proceed to the next.  Teams are trying to complete as many cycles as possible within the 20 minute time period.   This should become a fluid cycle once the last athlete is handed the kb’s (everyone is moving)